Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'
Plantain Lily (Species) White Margined Wavy Plantain Lily
Mid Spring 2022
- 8
Mid Spring 2022
- 7
Mid Spring 2022
- 13
Mid Spring 2022
- 8
Late Spring 2021
- 12
Mid Spring 2021
- 10

Hosta undulata var. albomarginata syn. Hosta 'Thomas Hogg'
Mid Spring 2022
Mid Spring 2022

#hosta #hosta-whitemarginedwavy #startingtoopen #firstone #latethisyear

This is gorgeous Diane! 💘😍

Thanks Shelley. First one starting up. 😍 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure! 💘😍

#hostachallenge2022 💚

I wonder if this is what I have too. If you look at the pictures in the encyclopedia, there are half a dozen different leaf patterns all with the same name! It'll be beautiful as it gets bigger!

Will post this again when it opens more. It has wavy leaves. Will take a looks at yours later. 💚💚 @lesliecole49
Mid Spring 2022

#plantainlily #hosta #wavyhosta #pushingupfastnow

It's going to be biiigg this year!

Thanks Katy. This is only part of it. Did not get around to dividing it last fall. 🤷♀️ @gjones

I think you are right Leslie. 😄 @lesliecole49

Wow! That is going to be big! 💘😍

It just keeps getting bigger. I must divide it as it is a bit out of control. 😄 @ShelleySnyder

It's only out of control if it's out grown it's spot or if it's encroaching on it's neighbors! 🤷🤔💘😍

It is getting there for sure. This fall I must divide and conquer 😂🤣 @ShelleySnyder

You can do it! 💘😍

Wow 🤩

Now that’s big🤗

Wow…that’s going to be huge!!
Mid Spring 2022

#plantainlily #hosta-whitemarginedwavy #startingtocomeup #hosta-aureomarginata

Wow, that's a big clump. How long did it take to get that size? Tks

My pleasure Alan. We got that plant from the neighbours when they moved out. Must be at least 6 years ago. I have two that are bigger than this one. I need to thin them out. 🫣 @alan1111

That’s going to be massive 💚🤍

It usually is pretty big. Need to thin it out as it is encroaching on my evergreens. 💚🤍💚

That size in six years. It's doing very well. Your soil must be great, their thriving

Thanks Alan. Hard to believe they are in full sun all afternoon. I have another out the front also. The ones out back are in better light conditions. Much more shady there. More slugs there too 🤦♀️🤷♀️ @alan1111

Don't talk about the slimey gits, the battle has begun.
Late Spring 2021

#hosta #wavyhosta #myfavourite #frontgarden

Oolala! Love it!💘😍

Thanks Shelley. Nature painted me lovely white brush strokes on green leaves. 🤍💚 @ShelleySnyder

Very welcome!💘😍

Very nice, it kinda looks like there's movement or its moving in the photo

Gorgeous pattern on this one 💚🤍💚

Thanks Alan. Yes it does look like that. The waviness does that 🤍💚 @alan1111

Thanks Kerry. I really like this one. I believe it is one divided from a neighbour’s plant. He was a landscaper so he picked a nice one 👍💚🤍 @kez001uk

@hkyfvr that’s a handy neighbour to have 😉

For sure. We got our cat Abby from them. Their Tortie had kittens with the Ginger Tom cat next door to them. Abby was one. I did not need another cat but she was a calico and I had always wanted one 😻😻🤷♀️ @kez001uk

@hkyfvr after seeing Abby it’s not wonder you always wanted one like her 😍

Thanks. Love the colours on a calico cat. She is a real Mommy’s girl. Nice for me. 💕😻😻 @kez001uk
Mid Spring 2021

#hosta #hostachallenge #progressduringweek

I love this one!💘😍

I think this is my favourite too. I keep posting them as they change each day. Thanks Shelley 💚🤍 @ShelleySnyder

My pleasure!💘😍

Who’s been painting white stripes on the leaves 🤣🤣

The hosta elves. Or maybe the slugs have taken up painting. 🤣💚🤍 @jacaranda

W💚W another very pretty one🌟🌟🌟

Thanks so much. The one you posted looks a lot like this one I think. 👍💚🤍 @crabby58

I think you found the name of my hosta for me. It is the same one as yours. The curly one. Thanks. Must give it a name now 👍💚🤍 @crabby58

#hostachallenge-2022 #hosta-whitemarginedwavy #reallylikethisone
#hostachallenge2022 another stunner! 💘😍
Thanks Shelley. Got this from my neighbours when they were moving. One of my favourites 💚🤍💚. @ShelleySnyder
I don't get the white margined bit, the margins are green! This is one I might have a couple of
Definitely wavy! 😂😂💚
Very welcome! 💘😍
You are absolutely correct Leslie. I looked this up and I have the wrong id. Will have to revise it. How did I not see this. 🤦♀️🤷♀️ @lesliecole
It is wavy but Leslie pointed out the margins not being white so I will have to find the right id. Silly me. 🤦♀️🤷♀️ @jacaranda