Late Autumn 2018
Early Winter 2018

This bulb bloomed beautifully last year, but only put out two very long, thin leaves which suddenly dried up and dropped off. I left it outside and forgot about it completely. Then whilst clearing up in the garden, I found it again and it has two small shoots coming out! The outer layers had rotted and turned to mush, so I peeled them off; but the remaining bulb is hard and clearly healthy. I cleaned it up and planted it, hopefully now it will be alright 😄😄🌸 #amaryllis #bulb #backfromthedead

I”ve had success with amaryllis bulbs like this one Hollie. Good luck!

Thank you @valjones-hughes 😁😁

Good luck Hollie 👍👍

Thanks @pelly !
Just a few days later and the amaryllis is growing so quickly 😱!! I doubt it will flower this year, but it needs to produce leaves to bulk up the bulb for next year. I'll be sad of this doesn't work now 😓. Does anyone know what the pink leaves mean? @richard.spicer.7906 I know you love bulbs, any ideas? (Sorry to randomly tag you but I'm curious) #amaryllis #almostdead #bulb #fingers-crossed #pink
Not sure specifically, what conditions have you got it in and is the soil quite damp? I know if they get too wet they start to get quite a bit of red markings on the bulb tunic and maybe this has spread to leaves 🤔 - let me see if I can find anything on this
@richard.spicer.7906 honestly I'm quite bad at remembering to water everything, so it's quite dry but not completely bone dry. Before I potted it up, it was just sat outside in the elements (because I thought it was already dead, so had forgotten about it) so maybe it just got too wet outside over the few months it's been out there? And thank you 😄 I appreciate the help
I think then for now just monitor it. If the bulb and the neck look fine, and you can’t see any significant red spots, markings etc then it may just be a reaction to coming out of dormancy. Keep watering light at the moment in case it’s re-establishing roots (the previous year’s roots will die and new ones grow) so if not much root then no need to water as much yet. Increase as it grows, i also add a small capful of tomatorite liquid feed to mine too
That's brilliant, thank you! I'll watch it like a hawk 😁. And watering light is what I do best 😂😂 Thanks for your help @richard.spicer.7906 😚
The feed will help the bulb grow, I do mine about once every month in the growing period. I’ve only recently stopped watering mine in November so mine have only just gone dormant, now sitting in dark in garage for a month before I bring them back indoors 😂
No probs 😁👍🏼
(Just to clarify, just a small amount say a teaspoon or 5ml of feed once a month seems to be fine)
It's little tips like that that make all the difference @richard.spicer.7906 , especially when you're still learning the ropes like me 😁.