Late Spring 2018
- 12
Early Spring 2018
- 9
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 1

Late Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

These shot up so fast!! I was hoping to move them... Too late?

If you move them you might not get a bloom this year I have moved peonies in the early spring , everything I have read says the best time to move is October but it might be a little different for each climate zone

Bummer. That's what I was thinking @ladeebug so change of plans. Lol.

A while back (15 years ) I found out the city was bulldozing my grandparents neighborhood and making it a park and walking trail so me and my mom went out there and found my grandmother's peonies scattered throughout the property it was early April , we dug them all up ( froze our butts off lol cold spring ) they did not bloom that year but have bloomed every year since and I've moved them to several houses so it won't harm them to move them now but they might not bloom

@ladeebug that's so awesome that you did that! Thank you so much for the tip! They'll be pretty where they are, and hopefully I'll remember to move them in October. Going to put that in my planner. ❤️

You are welcome for the tip it's kinda cool you posted that I had just read an article last night about peonies and the best time to plant them and transplant them

I'm so glad! I would have been super bummed to move them and then get no blooms. 😉 @ladeebug

Another kinda neat tidbit that I did not know is Itoh peonies are a mix between herbaceous peonies and tree peonies they were developed to bring a wider range of colors of the tree peonies but still keep the great fragrance of the herbaceous peonies

Never heard of these, will need to look them up! ❤️ @ladeebug
Early Winter 2018

#peonies relocated in the fall. Hoping they’ll do well in their new home.
Early Autumn 2017

Moving day for you, baby. 💕 #peony

Ooh beautiful! I hope mine grows well next year.
Late Spring 2017

#peony #bud #pink
Early Summer 2017

#peony relocated to flower bed, since it didn't look like it was going to flower this year. I love these leaves...
So that sounds like a good idea #jennlamaye. My lovely yellow peony hasn’t re-flowered in its pot. Should I plant it out? Any other clues? Thank you
@lotus888 I was going to wait until Fall but I didn't see any buds, so I figured now or never. I heard they don't like being mulched. @moore.794 and @cyndi and @ShelleySnyder and @columbiariver and @PunkyKy any #peony-advice 💕 @lotus888 @jennlamaye Here is some good info on Peonies. 💗✌
Thank you, Kyla! ❤️ @PunkyKy
@lotus888 I had a peony that took 7 years to bloom! It was supposed to be dark red and the first year it bloomed it was white and then the next year it turned dark red and always was after that! The only reason I waited for 7 years is because my mother gave it to me. I had two others that I bought at a nursery and they bloomed from year one! So I don't know what's up with peonys! I never mulch mine and they are in the ground in full sun💘😍
@columbiariver thanks, Laura! Then I did plant mine in the perfect spot! 💕
@ShelleySnyder that's so funny! Mine were pinkish tinted last year, and this year there was no pink at all. Silly flowers!
Yes! Silly flowers! But beautiful!😁💘😍
Also be aware that peonies don’t like being moved either so when you do move them prepare your hole and try and do it as quick as possible taking some of the soil that there already in with them,try and make it so as they don’t realise they’ve been moved...if they do fail to flower after being moved it will be of this...good luck ladies 💕 @columbiariver
You're welcome Jenn
@harebell thank you! Good point!