Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Tropical Hibiscus
Late Summer 2022
- 4
Mid Winter 2020
- 18
Mid Spring 2017
- 2
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Early Winter 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2016
- 4

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Late Summer 2022
Mid Winter 2020

Spiraling #Whiteflies LOVE this #Hibiscus rosa-sinensis for some reason. I have such an #infestation including #blackmold that I have chosen to chop all but the bottom of the bush off. The white fuzzy is called flocculent material and it flies all around as the leaves are moved. 😷 Spring will bring it back. #chelseachop #hibiscus-rosa-sinensis #insects #gardenpest #Aleurodicus-dispersus #southerncalifornia 6 February 2020

@lovestogarden any available home recipe for a pesticide/insecticide i could use? 🤔 I see some signs on some plants, and i manually, remove them.

UGH ☹️

Holy crap!😲 never seen it THIS bad!

Probably because of our different growing zones, my Hibiscus are generally pest free, so I am not of great help. However, when I get black mould (from ants), on Gardenia and Lemon tree, I clean every leaf and stem with a toothbrush dipped in weak seaweed foliage feed. Blackfly get a spray of Eco oil, will work on white fly.


Neem oil works

Try Vinegar used it once on me rose bush and it worked.

🤭😱 oh no! Hope you can get that under control

@thecullenabellon as Terry - @moore.794 says, #neem oil works very well. It is natural too. The one thing that is important to remember, though, is that it is an oil and therefore will burn the leaves/plant if the sun beats on it. Yes, do not let yours go like I did. 😒

@lovestogarden use in evening

Thank you for commiserating with me @sherrisgarden, @dirtgirlworld, @tinaaune (😂if you are going to do something, give it your all. 😂🤣)
Mid Spring 2017

A touch of #pink on this #hibiscus . Thinking about you and praying for you Dennis. 🌺 @dennisjglennen

One of my favorite flowers. Love, hug, and prayers for you Dennis @dennisjglennen ... Kick cancers a**💪👊🕺🏻
Mid Spring 2017

#hibiscus #macro
Early Winter 2017


One of my all time favorites😍🌺🌺🌺

Pretty in pink

Love those 😍😍
Mid Summer 2016


I really love these😍🌺


This is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "White Wings"
Not a prolific bloomer by any means, but her 🌺 reminds me why I keep the bush. #Hibiscus #hibiscus-rosa-sinensis #tropicalhibiscus-flower #tropicalhibiscus #septemberblooms #southerncalifornia 16 September 2022
Wow!! So beautiful and amazing ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Lovely 🥰