A few months after sprouting. She’s my tallest avocado out of five. She produced significantly larger leaves with help from the heat mat. I experimented and found that it really does impact leaf growth if the roots aren’t kept warm. The stem will shoot right up but it’ll produce tiny leaves if the roots are cold. #avocadofromseed #avocado #growth #progress
No not the same but close. Heat mats can be found at pet shops as well as on amazon. Hydro farm is a great brand. Hydrofarm Jump Start MT10006, 17 Watt UL Certified Seedling, 3" x 20" Inches Heat Mat, 8.875"x19.5", Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001WV010/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZRZ55JFP73TTBHQJK3MM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 @crabby58
A few months after sprouting. She’s my tallest avocado out of five. She produced significantly larger leaves with help from the heat mat. I experimented and found that it really does impact leaf growth if the roots aren’t kept warm. The stem will shoot right up but it’ll produce tiny leaves if the roots are cold. #avocadofromseed #avocado #growth #progress
😍😍 i love it!!
Is a heating pad the same as a heat mat? Just wondering🤔 @rudester1
No not the same but close. Heat mats can be found at pet shops as well as on amazon. Hydro farm is a great brand. Hydrofarm Jump Start MT10006, 17 Watt UL Certified Seedling, 3" x 20" Inches Heat Mat, 8.875"x19.5", Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001WV010/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZRZ55JFP73TTBHQJK3MM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 @crabby58
Ok, thank you😊appreciate the info👍