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I bought a house in September 2020. A clean pallet for another 15 years as I’ve recently left my tropical garden in Brisbane and moved to Ipswich.
#pineapple ready to eat.
Gorgeous and yummy!
@jennlamaye once I cut it up I’ll put in fridge to become cool and juicy If you tap on pic and swipe left you can see it at its stages of growth.
@gjones one per year is all I get from one plant. I only like the smooth leaves variety. I have in the past asked the fruit shop for any heads out back they don’t want.
#pineapple #looks trampled head growing up. Picked it today upon this discovery
#pineapple #bromeliad #ananascomosus
Wow! 😍🍍🍍🍍
#pineapple #smoothleaves
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#pineapple ready to eat.
Gorgeous and yummy!
@jennlamaye once I cut it up I’ll put in fridge to become cool and juicy If you tap on pic and swipe left you can see it at its stages of growth.
@gjones one per year is all I get from one plant. I only like the smooth leaves variety. I have in the past asked the fruit shop for any heads out back they don’t want.