Zingiber officinale
Ginger is an herbaceous perennial edible rhizome, and can be grown easily. It can even be grown from a piece of ginger root bought in a supermarket!
Contributed by @lucyliu
Partial shade to deep shade
Occasional watering
Not Frost hardy
Moist and free draining
Common name
Latin name
Zingiber officinale
5.5 - 6.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Zingiber officinale
Ginger is an herbaceous perennial edible rhizome, and can be grown easily. It can even be grown from a piece of ginger root bought in a supermarket!
From Late Winter TO Early Spring
Ginger can be grown outdoors in frost-free areas, or can be grown in a container, indoors, in cooler climates. The preferred soil is rich, moist and free-draining, and ginger likes shade. Rhizomes can be bought in a supermarket, or from a plant nursery. Either way, the rhizome can be broken into pieces, each of which must have a growth bud - the shoots will come from these buds, and plant the pieces, either in soil, or in a pot of compost. Ginger needs light, and shelter from wind.
From Late Winter TO Early Spring
Propagating ginger could hardly be easier! Simply break off a piece of the rhizome that has a growth bud, and plant it!
From Late Spring TO Mid Summer
In most climates it is difficult to have a flowering ginger plant.The plant needs a full year of undisturbed growth, and several months of temperatures above 70 deg. F, before it will produce flowers, and for many areas, other than tropical areas, the conditions will not be right for the plant to produce flowers.