Asparagus officinalis
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 2
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 4

Asparagus officinalis
Late Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

Thanks for all the advise last year, as we now have delicious asparagus now!
Late Summer 2019

You all helped me get my asparagus bed together this spring. All i had was adeep desire for an asparagus bed and zero knowledge. Looks like i got some good advice and support from you! Lots o asparagus! Please let it live and this spring anyone who lives near me in Rathcoffey Ireland can come pick some!

Wow, that's going to give you quite the haul every year!!
Late Summer 2019

The Asparagus bed took off once we started to get a little heat in this summer. I may have crowded to many crowns in. 12 inches apart when 18 is recommended. Who wants asparagus this spring! I'll have way more than the two of us can eat! I'll happily share if you are in the Rathcoffey area (near Maynooth in North Kildare)
Late Spring 2019

HELP! Asparagus crowns needed! I've been patiently waiting for my asparagus crowns to arrive and have just been informed they wont ship them from Britain to Ireland. I've an asparagus bed waiting but no plants. I have tried hard to find them in Ireland. What to do?

Argh no way, after all that! I saw some in Dealz yesterday - can't vouch for their quality or whether they'd take, but if taking the chance is better than an empty bed, it might be worth a try, if you have Dealz near you

I have an email into who claim to have the colossal asparagus I want. They only take orders over the phone or email. No answer on the phone message or the email I sent on Friday. I'm trying to BUY 20 crowns. Why is this so hard?

@mikekalley finally got back to me! The old guy loves to chat about plants and was full of helpful info. They are wholesale but sell to knowledgeable people who are not in the trade. I guess I passed the test 😋. The crowns are only one euro each but he gave me 50 for 35 euros. Plus I bought other stuff from him. They deliver!
I presume you stop cutting the spears at some point, when is that? Do you just leave the skinny ones to go to their ferny state?
If I recall correctly you shouldn't cut them once they get thinner than a pencil
@Tara_H Thank You! I thought I remembered something to that effect!