Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 11
Early Spring 2019
- 2
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Winter 2017
- 6
Late Spring 2016
- 5

Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

Looking well, with plenty of flowers.
Mid Spring 2019

All ready to flower.

Can't wait for mine to look like that👍🏻

Mine’s on a go slow...👌🏼

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom ive got two elaine, one either side of the living room window, and one does way better than the other 🤔

I'm thinking of getting these, do they do ok in a semi shaded area? @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co

I’ve just checked mine and there some tiny flowers like yours.....it’ll be my first year flowering so I’m dead excited...

How long before I can expect flowers🤔...2😮, 3😯, 4😲 years David? @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Couple of years i think celina 🤞 @cee

Excellent, just in time for me to dig up and take with me when we move😆

@cee @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co I agree I’ve waited two years 👍🏼

@hobnob thats where mine is joanne, and it does fine.
Early Spring 2019

Coming into flower. 7/4/2019

@debrascott i grey it up a trellis to start debra, but once they get going they cling on to everything.
Late Winter 2019

#climber coming back to life. Got a nest aswell 😀
Late Spring 2018

I think this is the best its been.😊

So many flowers, lovely 😊

Ive got one one ther side of the window marilyn, both planted at the same time, and its never flowered 🤔 @lovemygarden65
Late Spring 2018

Full of flowers.

Gorgeous mine has no flowers on this year and I don’t know why.....?

Ive got one on the other side of the window that never flowers elaine. No idea why 🤔 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

@davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co I feel better now but it had them on last year 🤷🏼♀️
Late Spring 2018

Romping away at the moment. Covered in flower buds as well 🤗
Mid Spring 2018

Seems to be romping away this year. Lots of flowers starting as well.
Late Spring 2017

Morning all . First flowers on the climbing hydrangea.

It will look beautiful 😊 I now have a grand total of 2 😂
Early Spring 2017

@susanhumphrey333 it's starting susan. Not got lots on it yet though.

Looking good. I still only have one 🙄

@susanhumphrey333 a bit like my tulips 😣 it's just started snowing here so that'll put them back another month 🙄

No snow here in the Midlands but it's very cold. Bit of a shock to the system. We've been in Majorca for a week so I'm feeling chilly to say the least 😊
Early Spring 2017

This seems to be doing well also.

Do you have lots of flower buds on it. Mine only has one 😞😊

@susanhumphrey333 I'll take a closer look in the morning sue and let you know. It usually does well.

Looking lush 💚
Early Spring 2017

Coming along nicely.
Mid Winter 2017

Climbing hydrangea showing #signsoflife .

Exciting 😊👍😊

@lovemygarden65 , this being my first spring since taking up gardening as my hobby, I'm finding it quite frustrating waiting for things to start growing .😊

I understand you Dave, but thats life and its cycles

Think we all feel the same David , desperate to have lots of colour in the garden @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co , won't be long and the spring flowers will be out 😊

It's amazing how early the buds appear on a climbing hydrangea. Mine were there at the beginning of autumn. They are always raring to go. So much so they run riot up the front wall and would reach the roof if I let them. Hoping for flowers this year it stopped flowering a couple of years back. Probably due to heavy handed pruning
Late Spring 2016

Last one for a week.

I have one of these. Had it for two years but no flowers yet 😔. Any tips?

It looks beautiful🤗

I just planted it and away it went, so can't really advise . I've got another on the other side of the window not doing well at all. Just luck with me, I think.

And this one Leslie @lesliecole49 beautiful plants 😘
Looks great Dave...love them..
Lovely. Gave mine a bit of a brutal ‘trim’ in the autumn as it covered back of the garage and was blocking guttering- I think it’s sulking, way behind yours ☹️
I planted one last year, can’t wait for it to look like this 👍😃