Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea
Late Spring 2022
- 3
Late Spring 2022
- 2
Late Spring 2022
- 5
Mid Spring 2022
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2022
- 3
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 4
Early Spring 2021
- 4
Late Winter 2021
- 8
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2020
- 4
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 2

Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Late Spring 2022
Late Spring 2022

The scent when you stand on out front step is just beautiful 😍 🤩

It smells like elderflower to me Deborah 😁
Late Spring 2022

Wow, that’s huge Deborah 👍🏼

It's double that height @sieveheadsarah it's a monster. We've just had to remove it from inside the front door. It's due a good cut back after it flowers.

@charlotte thank you. It don't look to bad does it. 👍🙏

That’s exactly what I plan on doing to mine after it flowers, it’s growing up the shed and seems to to a lot of growing outwards too 🤨

That’s a beauty….
Mid Spring 2022

We have lift off.

Can’t wIt for mines too it’s almost out..love it 🤍😊💚
Mid Spring 2022

My bedroom window #myview the hydrangea is reaching for the roof again. I think a prune is required after flowering.
Early Spring 2022

Took this yesterday, its rather grey out there today. I've been out with good intentions, but it's windy and cold so I've ran away back inside.

That’s way ahead- going to look great

I thought it was early too @sharonhayden but when I looked back its about right. Maybe because it's on a south facing wall 🧱 it wouldn't have been my choice for there but nevermind.
Late Spring 2021

Just starting to flower.
Mid Spring 2021

Looks promising unlike today's weather. Typical as yesterday was nice but I didn't feel great and spent the day in bed, I'm better today but it's rather windy and wet.

Even if the weathers not great, just glad to hear you’re feeling better 😘

Same here it’s pouring and blowing a hoolie out there...glad your feeling better today your hydrangeas looking great no buds on mines just yet 💚

It really is depressing isn’t it......Hydrangeas shouldn’t be long now although a bit of sun would help....😏
Early Spring 2021

Lots of buds #green

🤗 im off to take a look at mine 🏃♂️

I looked at mine because @sieveheadsarah posted hers @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co it's a domino effect 😄

You have loads of buds too Deborah, maybe it’s the year of the climbing hydrangeas 😍
Late Winter 2021

Good morning, my hydrangea is getting it's leaves. I'm on the bus going to work. I'm focused on this time next week when I have 2 days off. Bring it on! ☺

Morning Deborah 🙋

Morning Deborah ☕

Be here before you know it!

Hope you all had a nice day, its been warm and sunny here @pelly @hebelover @italydiva

Had a fabulous day thanks Deborah. A day of blue skies and sun...I don’t need much more than that to make me happy 😃

It looked beautiful, it was rather hot in the hospital. It would make a great greenhouse but infection control would have a dicky fit 🤣 @italydiva

I suspect a few flowers would cheer everyone up no end...that and pet visits. Infection control would be apoplectic though! 😂
Early Winter 2021

Early Winter 2020

Late Autumn 2020

My bare hydrangea and fuchsia bush are now looking a bit more glam. I think more lights are required though.

Oh very glam....✨✨✨✨

Thanks Elaine, it will be double glam when my other 2 set of lights arrive 😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Mid Autumn 2020

Golden glow. I was leaving the roses for hips but I've just deadheaded it.
Early Summer 2020

Hello hydrangea would you like to come in? Its like wading through a jungle getting in and out.
Late Spring 2020



Thank you @novicegardenlover its lovely but a but unruly
Mid Spring 2020

I came home from work and was welcomed by the first flowers dotted about.
Early Spring 2020

Getting near.
Late Winter 2020

I have buds 😊
Late Autumn 2019

Not sure about this and its current position. The front of the house is south facing and the garden is really small. I'd like to keep it for sun lovers. I think I'll leave it maybe until the summer and see if its worth keeping there.

Climbing Hydrangeas like shade

@jaynehynesburton yes I've got a baby that's earmarked for the north facing back garden. It's quite an old mature plant though, it must be happy. I'm torn I dont want shade tolerant plants in that area but its huge and would seem a pity to dig it out.

I had one in sun all day in the other house and it was lovely

@jaynehynesburton that's good to know. I'll see how I feel about it next year. It's hard to make a decision when it's just bare branches.

Yes it is, it will look different again in spring. I was glad I waited with things here

@jaynehynesburton I'm going to try to not do too much in the first year and just try to learn wheres sunny and not so much. I say try because I have no patience 😁

🤣 I'm really bad no patience at all, it does pay you off if you can muster a bit 😄

Looks as if it’s reaching out for sun.....but good idea to leave it..👌🏼
Mid Spring 2019

I waited two years for mine to flower Deborah but it was worth it...👍🏼👍🏼

Oh good @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom. 🌝 I need it to hide the next door neighbours horrid fence and broken greenhouse (which you can see in the picture)
Good morning. I'm off for my first full day at work since February 🙄😷 this hydrangea flower has decided to be about twice as big as the others.
Morning Deborah 🤍 You'll need a sleep by lunchtime 😴😄
Hope it goes well…