Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea
Early Autumn 2020
- 15

Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Early Autumn 2020
#foliagefriday Lovely colour on the leaves in the sunshine today. Enjoy your day 🍂🍁
Hi Sue, thanks and enjoy your day too 💛💛💛
Glorious, Sue. Must be such a joy to look at. @lilybee
Love this have never seen one before 💛
Gorgeous Sue 🙂💛
Thanks Jane 🙂 @pelly
Thanks Joyce, it's really glowing in the morning sun at the moment 🙂 @joycemb
Thanks Jane, it's probably about 25 yrs old! It climbs up the side of the house, white flowers in summer (though not many this year), and lovely yellow leaves in autumn 🙂 @funkygirl53
Thanks Ange, it is looking particularly pretty at the moment, all the leaves have turned at once so it really stands out 🙂 @anges
Ahhh 😰 so #gorgeous golden leafs... 💘😍
Thank you Shaz 🙂 @shaz831
Wow!! Looking so lovely and golden 💛💛💛