Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea
Late Winter 2025
- 7
Mid Spring 2023
- 22
Early Spring 2019
- 14

Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Late Winter 2025
Mid Spring 2023

Morning everyone. My #hydrangea-petiolaris wasn’t doing very well in its spot in the ground so I put it in a #container ready to move then events overtook my plans. It’s really come on so well, still no flowers though 💚 #climbing-hydrangea

Morning Jane. Does look very healthy ....will you leave it in the pot now 👋🤔

Morning Jane .. looking good 👍🏻

Morning Jane, I have Hydrangea Miss Saori in a #container Bought as a bare root didn’t flower last year hoping for great thing this year🤞🏻

Morning Jane, had one of these in the last place, and really struggled with it, this one looks good and healthy

It looks really happy now

Morning Jane, mine took a few years to flower…and I think they do better in the ground as they’re quite needy at first fastening them up etc……until they cling to the wall ( my view only) 😀

Morning Pauline. I must say I'm very tempted 🤔 @flof1952

Morning Jane, so glad it’s perking up 😀

Morning Julie, thank you. It certainly looks better than it did a year ago 🥰 @juliesgarden

Morning Elise. I have everything crossed for you 🤞 @Auricula

Morning Jason, thank you. It looks 💯 better than it ever has 🥰 @hebelover
Early Spring 2019

Cataloguing 23/3/19

Oh I see!

I've wanted this for ages @joanboston 👍👍

Oh that looks healthy Jane is there some buds on it I can’t see from here..😘

It does look healthy, but no buds Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 💚💚

One of my friends has this and it’s beautiful and reliable Jane @pelly

Hydrangeas seem to do well in my garden so I'm looking forward to this addition Marilyn @lovemygarden65 😄😄

I have this one Jane....I haven’t seen it in bud yet it took a couple of years...but it was worth the wait cos it’s covered now...👌🏼

I don’t mind the wait, so long as it too long Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 👍👍

Oh there it is. Can’t wait to see them in flower. Good spending @pelly I said you would enjoy retirement lol 😂 😍😘

Yes, that’s the last, well apart from a Sarah Raven order still to come @suerichards 😱😱

Aha! So that what you’ve been hiding 😉 Great choice Jane 😃
Morning everyone. This climbing hydrangea has been badly neglected and has been languishing in a pot for about four years. I’ve finally got it into the ground now so it’s fingers crossed time 🤞 #climbing-hydrangea #hydrangea-petiolaris
Morning Jane, it will appreciate the extra space 🥰
It will start to grow soon! Rememeber to trail the branches where you want them to go 💚💙🤗
Afternoon Debra. I hope it does 🥰 @debs69
Yes, I must sort that out. Thanks Rachel 🥰 @lifeonaroofterrace
Lots of buds, Jane, so it will be romping away in no time! 🤞🤞
I’m really hoping it’s one of those plants that thrive on neglect 🤞 @jacaranda