Early Summer 2018
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Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 11

Persea americana syn. Persea gratissima
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

Grow little one, grow! You are no. 1!! #avocado #seed #root
Late Spring 2018

No. 1 is slowly developing a tap root after around 3 weeks! 😁

#avocado #seed #grow
Late Spring 2018

I have long hated avocados, but recently discovered I LOVE them! I want to grow them and because they are so expensive - we’re starting from a seed! Does anyone have any experience with this that they can share? 🌿

#avocado #avocados #seed #grow #avoseedo

Has anyone successfully grown avocado fruit from seeds? I’ve heard it can be hard, but that having multiple trees together may increase that likelihood? #avocado-advice #seedavocado #avocadoseed #avocado #avoadvice

Many years ago my mother in law planted a seed. She handed it to us saying it was a mango tree. I was very happy about that. But as it grew we found out it was avocado. Now like you I have changed to like them. The seeds often came up after that in the compost heap. The tree eventually came down for a swimming pool.

@rosegardengirl a lovely story! Thanks for sharing ☺️ Accidental avocados sound great haha! So it grew fruit from the tree?

Definitely. We live on mid north coast NSW. I’m not sure how they would go any further south or west. We have great climate here. Very rare frost.

@rosegardengirl well, we’ll see how I go! I’m in WA, so hopefully we’ll see something growing later! Not exactly the most natural conditions for them though! Haha

I have tried wrapping in damp paper towel and put in zip lock sandwich bag. Place it on a bright not direct sunlight, next to window is good and watch it grow.

@LisaCollection how is your plant going? I think I’ll stick with this method for now and see how it goes (seems to be working so far ☺️). I love how people have different methods that seem to work! I know of people who have left the brown skin on, whereas I’ve peeled it off beforehand! There’s lots of information around!

Yes as soon it grew roots and leaf I gave it to my mum..it's now about 60cm high.

@LisaCollection that’s great! 😁
No. 5 has also gotten a tap root now. I had 6 all up and none of the others seemed to be doing much, so will have to keep trying with more avo seeds! Works for me! No. 1 has now started to develop some peripheral roots, but hasn’t yet split up the top of the seed, whereas 5 has a nice big split and is starting to shoot a little bit! #avoseed #avocado #seeds #growyourown #taproots #update 🌱🥑