Late Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 5

Persea americana syn. Persea gratissima
Late Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

Seeking advice once more! So, update: there are 2 roots now. Yay! But the oldest root has grown around the top of the pit like this. If I plant this halfway in soil, will it fail because part of the roots are exposed? The root is rigid. It returns to this position. Should I cut this root off? Idk what I'm doing, but I don't want this one to fail. #advice #avocado-advice #help #avocado-help
Early Spring 2020

YOU GUYS!!!! I'm having my first avocado success! You don't understand. I have failed at the toothpick method at least 4 times, and I was so jaded about the project. I found an alternate method online and this is my first try with it. It worked! I'm so happy! #avocadopit #avocado #root #success

Nice pic Savannah

@shawnasea Thank you! ☺️

@cyndi I wrapped the pit in a damp paper towel(not dripping wet) and put it in a ziploc bag. I left the bag unzipped and placed it in a dark cabinet. Checked it every few days to redampen or sometimes replace the paper towel. A few weeks later it split and spat out a root! I think I'm supposed to plant it in soil when the roots are a few inches long.

Congratulations!! 👏
It looks like my weird avocado pit with the winding root is going to work out! The way the stem grew reminds me of the Loch Ness Monster. 😂 #avocado #newgrowth
Can you grow avocados where you live?
@laketitlow Just barely! I live in USDA zone 8.
I am in zone 4b. I want to move somewhere warm.