Zingiber officinale
Mid Summer 2020
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Mid Winter 2019
- 3
Early Winter 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2018
- 5

Zingiber officinale
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Winter 2019

The ginger is also doing well. A bit taller than its turmeric neighbor.

I've never been successful at growing ginger. I've tried but no luck

It kind of took me by surprise when I, more or less on a whim, decided to give it a go. I didn't really expect much of a result, thinking it was probably too dark and cold. @referee101
Early Winter 2019

My bathroom ginger is really going for it!!! I wonder how tall it is supposed to become, because it seems intent on getting there in a hurry.
Early Winter 2018

This is so cool!!! There is both ginger and turmeric in this tub, but I believe both of these little green wonders came out of the lump of organic ginger from the supermarket. I've kept it on my heated bathroom floor. I didn't really expect it to work now in winter, so I had already planned to try again in spring. Guess that's one thing I don't have to do now - if I manage to keep it alive, that is. Must go find it a bigger pot to live in!

I don't know how much of a crop I will be able to get here in my climate, but it really would be awesome if I actually got something I could eat out of this! @cyndi I'll be happy with "just" a pretty plant too, but I do use a lot of ginger in both food and beverages, so I am really excited!

I'll put it in the orangery later on, @cyndi, but I don't think it would appreciate the chilly 4 degrees (celsius) there these days. The aloes and century plants don't like it at all, so they are spending the coldest part of the season in my living room.


I can, @cyndi, but I won't bother unless it looks like it will get below zero. In the years since we got the orangery, that has never happened - not even during last year's russian cold snap. I just open the door between the orangery and living room every now and then to even out the temperature and humidity a bit.
Black gold! This weekend I «harvested» some soil from my bokashi kitchen compost, and it is dark and rich and quite unlike what I get from the open garden compost.