Zingiber officinale
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Winter 2018

Ginger finally started growing. I had this for years and when I moved all my plants for the new fence, it did not make it. I am glad to get her going. From the grocery store. #ginger #zingiber #edible #medicinal #perrenials #herbaceous #fragrant #rhizomes #houseplants #gingerroot

No, Laura. I just got one with real fresh looking eyes. I have planted it in the ground, before, but heat took it after leaves were about 6". This time I just set it only half buried in a pot outside in morning sun. It took quite a long time, but here we are. @columbiariver

Katy and Glenn...great minds... 😁. Mine took a REALLY long time! ❤ @gjones

I did read, Laura, that some people soak them overnight in warm water before planting them. 🛁 @columbiariver

Yes, @gjones , but I got nothing. I will try again sometime.

Interesting to read the comments as I have found #tumeric to be much easier than #ginger

That is interesting, Liam. Any tips on the Tumeric? @Opuntia

Hi Janice. #turmeric does well in my #polytunnel planted direct gives frost protection (top dies down). Rich mulch and plenty of water and heat. Moist semi-shade in your garden perhaps?

Thank you for your #advice , Liam! I will try it again in a pot to keep it moister. @Opuntia

#zingiber #zingiberofficinale #ginger #southerncalifornia #california
#zingiber #zingiberofficinale #ginger #southerncalifornia #california 9 August 2018
You have a puzzle, @cyndi . Hopefully it will be a plant as pretty as ginger, if not that. ❤️
@cyndi, tag me when you do so I do not miss it.
Zingiber officinale = grocery store ginger