Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea
Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Hydrangea petiolaris syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Hydrangea petiolaris. Photographed today, 10 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. Another photo taken just after 4am today. Love the flowers on this Climbing Hydrangea. Pure white lacecap flowers. The outer flowers just appearing now, and you can see the buds of the inner flowers, still to open. #hydrangea #petiolaris #white #flowers #reediecottagegarden
Hydrangea petiolaris. Photographed today, 10 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. Close-up of a lacecap flowerhead on my Climbing Hydrangea. Outer flowers are white, and the inner cluster of white flowers just starting to open. #hydrangea #petiolaris #white #flowers #lacecap #closeup #reediecottagegarden
Just planted these in my front garden,looking forward to seeing them flowering next year ,love them .
@cheshire Hi. The best example I've ever seen is at Cortachy Castle, about 7 miles from me. They have an amazing walled garden. However, on the north side of the walled garden, they have a stunning Hydrangea petiolaris. There are several planted along the wall. The Climbing Hydrangea must be 15-20ft tall and about 60ft+ long. They open the gardens only once, maybe twice a year, but no one sees this Hydrangea petiolaris, as not "in" the gardens! I've seen it, as I supply plant for the gardens.
How lovely ,would love your job😀I bet it was amazing to to see that.This is one of the reason I choose this plant for our north facing wall,it also shade by quite a few trees.Thank you for sharing your find,it made it more exciting to see mine growing can't wait 😁👌
@cheshire Hi Christina. I will take a photo and share it, of the Hydrangea petiolaris. I will diary as date soon, to get it in full flower. The Countess of Airlie is lovely. She's in her 80's and still very much hands on in her gardens. She comes to see me or phones me, and just goes "I'll have two dozen of those, a dozen of these..." etc. Her gardener despairs, when she pulls up with her landrover full of plants, and when I roll up laden with plants too!!! He just rolls his eyes!!! Lol 😀
How wonderful she sound😀I don't blame her ,I always come back with a few plants, even when we got no where to put them,then my husband does a few eyes roll😂I will look forward to more of your posts soon .x